Sunday, January 17, 2010

Kicking Off 2010

With a big year ahead, the first race of the year is in the bag, and it was a good one. The weather in Phoenix was fantastic, staying in the low 50s. I rolled through the PF Chang’s Rock N’ Roll marathon like it was a Sunday jog. Determined to get a Boston qualifying time, I stayed with the 3:10 pace group for 20 miles. At that point the pacer wanted to back it off but a few of us just wanted to hold the pace. Soon just one guy and I remained and I encouraged him with me to the line in 3:09. It was a 20 min PR for him and I had my time in the first race of the year. It was the easiest race I have ever run – no pain, no struggle. Finished open marathon #25.

In February, I head back to Arizona for a fast 50K. Then in March, I am going to central Colorado for a very hilly marathon. Just a week later it is off to Georgia for another marathon. These shorter, faster races will provide a good speed base for the spring and summer.

In April, the first real test awaits. The Desert RATS 50 miler will provide top-notch competition over difficult terrain. I expect hard trail, and a long day at altitude and in the sun will prove valuable for the summer. Scarcely two weeks later is another 50k, and I am toying with this race. Regardless, in mid-May is another marathon in the mountains. I expect to run hard and place well.

Another short two weeks after that is Memorial Day, and I am heading to Wyoming for a double marathon. It is the same course that I won on a few years ago. Now I just have to do it twice. 52.4 miles will be the longest test of the year leading up to the race.

June is going to be free of races due to a new baby joining us, but without having to work, I will be able to run more trail and longer than usual. July dawns with a serious challenge – the Leadville Marathon. It rockets into the clouds and promises to be a slow, difficult grind. Finally, I am off to southern Colorado for a 50K to end my preparation. Again, I hope to run very well here and end the training on a good note.

It all leads up to the Leadville 100 on August 21. After a finish in 2006 and a DNF in 2009, I want nothing more than to rock this one. My goal is sub-21 hours. I was on this pace during the 2009 race and I am itching to get the sweatshirt to prove it. In addition to the race schedule announced, the main component of my training will be trail runs. Between Team CRUD and the Incline Club, there are more than enough runs near here to simulate the race. I have two trips planned to Leadville for reconnaissance: A double crossing (20 miles) of Hope Pass followed by the Colorado Trail, and a darkness traverse of Sugarloaf Mountain. These are the Crux of the race and I need to really know them. I also am lifting about twice a week and focusing on core several times a week. I will be more ready than ever before.